Access Level #
Defines the role of the user and their level of control over the project
Asset #
A file that contains core data, which is directly related to the project
Details Report #
A file containing information about a source upload or build (txt or excel)
Build #
A by xloc exported file that contains localized content
Bind #
The process of creating a build including the latest version of every asset
Flag #
A way of displaying a piece of requested information about a string
Priority #
Using colors to identify different degree of importance of a string
Resource #
A file of various types that requires localization
Resource ID (RSID) #
Th#is is the internal XLOC text identifier. It can be derived from a number of factors, including the file name, the platform, the positioning and the source ID. The RSID is used to differentiate strings between files, creating a unique identity for each one. This facilitates comparison and organization of strings
Resource Number #
Another way of identifying the string and the file to which it belongs
Reviewer #
A modification of Localizer role. A user in this position has for its main task the review of the translation work done
Source #
Original language of the text and assets
Suggested Translation #
An alternative translation provided by users whose primary role is not translation.
String Ordering Number #
An ordering number responsible for sorting strings inside a file.
Tab #
An area on the website responsible for a specific part of the project and that provides various tools depending on the access level of the user
Translation File #
An internal file that contains translations of the source along with some additional information
Translation Sheet Pack #
A file (ZIP/RAR) or a folder that contains multiple translation files each allocated to a specific language
Unrevised #
A string whose source has been modified after the time the translation was provided for it